Grow a Business 

A women manager talking to employees.
Prepare your business for growth and success

Why businesses must make growth a deliberate strategy and how to conquer the four things that hinder success.

3 ways to avoid getting “Zoomed out”

With work and social events now happening online, here are three ways to avoid getting burnt out on video calls.

A team working together
How the best leaders get the best ideas from their team

Here is how a great leader can recognise and promote the best ideas.

Helping the next generation to fly

As entrepreneurs we don’t always recognise the powerful tools we hold that can impact the next generation.

Black women giving help to a black man that is apart of the call centre.
Start a business: How to hire, fire and inspire

Fetola CEO Catherine Wijnberg reveals how to carefully nuture your relationship with employees.

Do you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur?

There is one thing all resilient entrepreneurs must have and Anton Ressel, Fetola’s Strategic Head: SME Support, tells us what it is.

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