As we all know, it’s much more fun to live a life that is positive and happy than one which is negative and miserable but the question is, how can we consistently become this positive person?
Most of society loves to wallow in the negative, to read the disaster stories on social media and spend their days sharing bad news. People who love to play the negative role can also come under the guise of phrases such as ‘playing devil’s advocate’. They keep us looking backwards over our shoulder for disasters that could happen, rather than helping us to see and craft a future filled with possibility.
In sport it’s easy to see the difference between winning and losing teams because the result often comes down to their attitude, their self-belief – do they believe they are going to win? Are they positive? Yet we often miss this connection between attitude and outcome in ourselves. For this reason, I use the following four tips to help me stay positive:
1. Adjust your attitude by starting the day right. I find that morning routines such as the 5am Club which is a combination of exercise, meditation and motivation do wonders to prime me for the day ahead
2. Be fit and stay fit. Exercise releases uplifting endorphins and a healthy body crafts a healthy mind, so getting moving even (and especially) when you least feel like it, really makes a difference.
3. Choose the companions you mix with and stay away from negative people. Choose to be part of conversations and with positive people that lift you and your thinking to a higher level
4. Delete social media from the daily routine. Stay away from media or social media that builds a negative mindset. Re-purpose this time for building self-belief and stories of success.
For me, positivity is a conscious choice that allows us to see and deliver the future we dream of. Positivity is a choice that makes us leaders, not followers.
Wishing you a wonderful week ahead – may it be filled with visions of opportunity and success.
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About the Author
Catherine Wijnberg is the CEO of Fetola and author of Sheep Will Never Rule the World.
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