
Black business owners
Finding business opportunities in a crisis

Social distancing, isolation and closed borders just cannot keep small businesses down. These four entrepreneurs found new ways to do business in a COVID world.

How extreme loss became my greatest gift

With stress levels climbing as high as Everest, Fetola CEO Catherine Wijberg shares the silver lining from her life story.

Catering in the time of coronavirus

South Africa is a nation that loves celebrating. But at a time when guest counts are severely restricted, what does the future hold for this industry?

Lessons on resilience from township-based entrepreneurs

Running a business is not for the fainthearted. These entrepreneurs reveal how they conquered lockdown, adapted their businesses and are fighting strong in rural towns across South Africa.

Together by Vivek Murthy

Feeling lonely in lockdown? You are not the only one. Author Vivek Murthy lifts the lid on a taboo topic and show us how to make meaningful connections in a disconnected world.

A woman sitting on a pile of leaves
How to cope with uncertainty in a crisis

This year has been incredibly unpredictable and many people are feeling overwhelmed about 2021. Here are a few ways to cope with change and get ahead of it.

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