Start a Business

Black women giving help to a black man that is apart of the call centre.
Start a business: How to hire, fire and inspire

Fetola CEO Catherine Wijnberg reveals how to carefully nuture your relationship with employees.

Do you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur?

There is one thing all resilient entrepreneurs must have and Anton Ressel, Fetola’s Strategic Head: SME Support, tells us what it is.

The night 68 Tholoana Programme stars shone brightly

Entrepreneurs on the SAB Foundation’s Tholoana Programme sparkled at their graduation.

Start an NGO, but not the way we did it

Who knew doing good in this world would be so annoyingly frustrating? If you want to make a difference, here are a few steps you probably want to skip.

Sheep Will Never Rule The World by Catherine Wijnberg

This book is for those who want to stand out from the flock and embrace every new challenge. Written by Fetola CEO Catherine Wijnberg, it will focus your thinking and bring a smile to your day.

Black farm business man kneeling in a field of cabbages. Their is a worker working on the farm in the background.
Get your business ready for funding

Few small businesses get the funding they so desperately need because they lack the necessary documentation. Fetola mentor Robynne Erwin explains how to get your business ready for funding.

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