Brenè Brown: Rising Strong

Brenè Brown tackles uncomfortable issues in this book: it will help you grow and move into the future.

Glasses near a book
By Kirsten Barnes

We dedicated this issue of Catalyst to Mental Health Awareness we use the opportunity to reflect on the issues we tend to avoid because we feel ashamed, embarrassed or vulnerable. We chose to review Dr. Brenè Brown’s book, Rising Strong because she tackles these topics head-on. Brenè is a research professor at Houston University and for the past sixteen years, she has studied courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy.

Brenè weaves her own personal stories into the text. Her style of writing makes you feel like you are sitting with a friend, having a cup of coffee, and talking about your failures and vulnerabilities in a safe environment. Brenè makes the whole process feel human.

If you’re worried that this is going to be one of those complex, academic books then you would be wrong. Brenè has translated the concepts in her book so that anyone will be able to relate. This book encourages you to overcome your mistakes and face hurt in a way that brings more wisdom and wholeheartedness to your life. And it’s described in three messy, but essential processes – The Reckoning, The Rumble, and The Revolution.

Rising Strong allows you to see that those who wade into discomfort and vulnerability come out telling the truth are the real bada**es. Brenè makes it clear that vulnerability is not winning or losing – it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome.

Rising Strong has the ability to empower you to get to the heart of your most painful and uncomfortable moments you’ve experienced in your life. Take control of how these experiences have made you feel and be bold enough to hold yourself accountable so that you can grow and move to the future.

If you would like to get your hands on this enlightening book then have a look at TakealotExclusive Books, and Loot. This is a book we should all have in our bookshelves.

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