As entrepreneurs and leaders our job is to be tough, but we also need support at times.
What I’ve realised though, is that support doesn’t come in a one-size-fits-all. We need three basic types of support.
Sometimes, we need a person to simply listen, gently and with empathy; someone who gives us the space to offload, to complain and even to cry. This person makes us feel safe to show our weaknesses and our fears. Someone outside our own organisation is best. They are our safety net.
At other times, we need a person for practical advice. This is a level-headed, experienced and capable person, someone we can rely on under pressure. This a person whose judgement we can trust and who can jump in to rescue a situation when things fall apart. Typically, this would be a senior staff member or a mentor. They are our rock.
And finally, we need a magical person to reignite our energy and inspire us to overcome our own challenges. Someone who can see beyond the rocky road of today. A person who believes in us and helps us to believe in ourselves. This person is our champion, our spark. They help us to flick the switch of inspiration back on.
While leadership is a journey of self-discovery and building inner strength, one of the skills of personal mastery is to recognise when to reach out for help. Reaching out is a strength, not a weakness.
So, my hope is that if you need support you have the strength to reach out. And if others reach out to you, you have the strength, kindness and love to provide what they need.
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About the Author
Catherine Wijnberg is a serial entrepreneur and the author of Sheep Will Never Rule The World.
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