3 ways to avoid getting "Zoomed out"

With work and social events now happening online, here are three ways to avoid getting burnt out on video calls.

By Maria Kathlyn Tan

The global pandemic has changed the way we live our day-to-day lives.

With the combination of working from home, virtual learning and everything from “catching up” to “business calls” taking place on Zoom, the boundaries between the various parts of our lives have become blurred, and this screen-based New Normal is stressful.

For everyone who’s found themselves thrust into embracing Zoom following the global lockdowns, here are three ways to avoid getting burned out on video calls this year:

1. Create “Zoom hours” and stick to them

The great thing about Zoom is that it’s very convenient and accessible. The bad thing is, well, also that it’s very convenient and accessible. As a result, many can’t help but join Zoom meetings at any time of the day from wherever they are … even if it encroaches upon their “downtime” or “me time.” 

You can combat this tendency by creating “Zoom hours,” like office hours.

As someone who’s been operating online for a few years now, I’m very mindful of only having Zoom on my laptop (and not my cell) and limiting my number of daily calls. But for many who have just recently stumbled upon this handy app, they’re still in the honeymoon stage of not wanting to miss out on any meetings.

Having set Zoom hours may mean you miss out on a few things, but it’s far more sustainable in the long run. You wouldn’t be heading to the office at 3 am for a meeting, would you? So, don’t do it on your screen, either.

2. Observe “Zoom breaks” 

People love coffee runs and take lunch breaks for a reason: to get a breather. But the accessibility of Zoom has paved the way for people not to need a break between meetings. 

Whereas in a traditional office you would need to walk a few steps to change conference rooms, “seamless” multi-meetings have become the norm. Now, all you need to do is click another link and find yourself in your next meeting, making all parties even more sedentary than before. 

This quick and easy pattern can lead to a number of health problems: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. You forget to eat. You may experience insomnia, anxiety, or depression. Eye strain and backaches take their toll. The detrimental effects of a Zoom-centric lifestyle are vast and varied, so make sure you’re scheduling time in between meetings for non-screen activities such as preparing a meal, taking a walk, doing yoga or reading a book.

3. Keep Zoom on a separate gadget

We know too much screen time causes a lot of stress. With Zoom being so accessible, it can be very easy for it to creep into anywhere and everywhere your phone or tablet can go. If you keep it only on your computer, you’ll find yourself less likely to act on your FOMO (fear of missing out) and more likely to keep your boundaries in place. Just deliberately scheduled meetings in one central location. 

One of the nicer things that has come out of quarantining and working from home is that we can spend more time with our loved ones. When you’re not tempted to hop on a call while playing games or watching television, you can maximise those special moments by making memories in person.

If you follow these three guidelines, you’ll be able to avoid “Zoom out” in 2021. You’ll have a much more balanced schedule, better sleep, less disruption, and you’ll feel more in charge of your daily life as a whole. And with so much uncertainty in the world right now, it’s more important than ever to create for ourselves a joyful and energised state of being… and not burn ourselves out on excess screen time.

Read the full article here

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